
Newly released verison 3.00 has numerous capabilities not only including such things such as the color pallette but also numerous warp tools which can make images look greater than ever before.

And not only does the Paint.Net work a lot like Adobe Photoshop (for non-experts), but it also includes such support including layers, and photography techniques. It is a great tool to use when manipulating colors, or creating images such as graphics from scratch. Images are easily copied and pasted, and most images can be saved in numerous ways, the number one being a jpeg file. In addition to this, images can be printed, saved as webpages, or copied for future use. In general, there really is no reason why you shouldn’t have Paint.Net on your computer. The capabilities (for free!) really are remarkable, and with no ads or trial software to mess with – it really is worth your time to download it. From the old Paint that was flopped with all of our programs, this update of a new product will truly be helpful to the average soccer mom or industrialized worker.