Make The Most Out Of Google

Google offers plenty of great services that normally we may not consider. A huge portion of our lives involves Google.

From our phones to our personal computers to even jobs, Google has had some part in shaping it. Just when one thinks they’ve seen all that Google has to offer, there is more. Although just about everyone has heard about Chrome, Maps, Gmail, Youtube and Picasa, few have heard of the amazing educational and utility resources Google has to provide.

Google SketchUp is Google’s take on a combination of 3d modeling and professional CAD work made easier. A lot modeling work is hard to get into and SketchUp gives dive-in functionality and ease of use to just about anyone. Google Labs is another great educational resource that teaches people the technology and development that goes behind innovations at Google.

Google offers many other services including free sites, data visualization, graphing services and scholar papers. Knol, Groups, Orkut and Blogger are made for people to socialize online. Finance and Patent Search helps innovators and business people stay on top of the latest developments in their fields. Google has many free online services to offer so be sure to check them out next time!