Abacre I-Worm.Sobig Virus Remover 1.0 Review & Download

In response to resent attack of I-Worm.Sobig email virus, Abacre
Corporation released own antivirus called: Abacre I-Worm.Sobig
Virus Remover. It periodically checks pop3 mailboxes and removes
infected email messages directly from server side without downloading
them. The program can be successfully used with any pop3 email
clients: Outlook, Outlook Express, Eudora, The Bat.

Publisher: Visit Abacre I-Worm.Sobig Virus Remover 1.0 Website

Download: Download Abacre I-Worm.Sobig Virus Remover 1.0 Now

Category: Utilities Software > Anti Virus Software

Size: 793KB

OS: Win 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP

Downloads: 107154

License: Shareware

Abacre I-Worm.Sobig Virus Remover Screenshot

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