TimeChimes will play a sound or sounds at pre-scheduled times of day on each day of the week. Typically, TimeChimes can used to play school bells or shift-time sounds in factories or businesses. It can also be used for other applications where you want a sound to play at preset times.Features:~ Plays bells, chimes or any other sounds at preset times.~ Schedule times for automatic play on each day of the week (or weeks on a dual week cycle).~ The current day\'s play times can easily be changed if required.~ Includes 9 pre-recorded bell type sounds.~ Other sounds can be loaded as wav and mp3 formats.~ Automatically runs on startup or runs as a service (before logon)~ Easy to use for day to day operation.
TimeChimes 2.00 Review & Download
Publisher: Visit TimeChimes 2.00 Website
Download: Download TimeChimes 2.00 Now
Category: Education And Reference Software > Teaching Tools Software
Size: 0.62MB
OS: Win 95/98/NT/2000
Downloads: 145162
License: Shareware
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