Call block for unwanted phone call with professional log software: Phone Calls Filter 1.0. Are you bothered with unwanted phone calls ? not anymore ! just set filters for incoming phone calls.. use categorized answering modes - such as: hanging up, personalized greetings etc... All based on caller ID. filter your incoming calls so that all your unwanted calls will go unnoticed. general points: Blocks unwanted phone calls. Play specific greeting for each caller Support UNKNOWN, OUTOFAREA etc.. calls formats. Calls log. Adding remarks, flags and priority for each call. Display of voice and speech, while a call is incoming. Caller ID- Tapi or Comm based. Presents the call on display, including caller name, caller number, and picture. A personalized unique answering mode, activating different options, for each contact. Contacts list - a personalized answering mode, and a different alert sign for each contact. Create greetings with Speaker or TTS 5.1. Dialer - makes the outgoing phone call, directly from your PC.Powerful search. Advanced and user-friendly graphic interface. Registration log for all calls and events. Runs as a service. And much more... Try it!
Phone Calls Filter 1.0 Review & Download
Publisher: Visit Phone Calls Filter 1.0 Website
Download: Download Phone Calls Filter 1.0 Now
Category: Utilities Software > Misc Utilities Software
Size: 2.15MB
OS: Win 95/98/NT/2000
Downloads: 111912
License: Shareware
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