AbsoluteTelnet 6.12 Review & Download

AbsoluteTelnet provides Telnet, SSH, SSH2, SFTP, dialup, and serial connectivity in the new tabbed multi-session interface or the classic single-session interface. A wide range of emulations are provided, including VT100, VT220, VT320, XTERM, WYSE60, ANSI, SCO-ANSI, ANSI-BBS, and QNX. Packed with options such as SOCKS5, IPV6, Arabic shaping, BIDI (bidirectional text), and IDNA (International Domain Names for Applications), Absolute is sure to support the technology you need! Absolute supports single-sign-on capability through advanced authentication features such as smartcard and GSSAPI (ActiveDirectory, Kerberos, and NTLM). Encryption options such as Blowfish, Twofish, AES, Arcfour, 3DES, Cast128, IDEA, and RC4 provide maximum security in today\'s insecure environments. SFTP, Xmodem, ymodem, and zmodem protocols provide extensive file-transfer support. Also supports serial ports greater than COM9 and has a variable scrollback size. Localized for: English, Chinese, Portuguese

Publisher: Visit AbsoluteTelnet 6.12 Website

Download: Download AbsoluteTelnet 6.12 Now

Category: Internet Software > Telnet Terminals Software

Size: 1.47MB

OS: Win 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP

Downloads: 111158

License: Shareware

AbsoluteTelnet Screenshot

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